Pixel Perfect 3 - UI Layout

We will now add our App Top Bar (Instance) into a UI layout on the Layout Page. Finally we will veiw in the Figma Mirror mobile app (for Android or Apple iOS)

On the layout page create a frame using the Android Large template

  1. Select the Assets panel on the left
  2. Insert Status Bar

Position at top of screen

Insert top-app-bar

Position under status bar


In the right panel change Design to Prototype it should pick up that it is a large android screen.

Make sure your assets are inside the Android large Frame in the layers - If they will not be visible in the preview, so make sure you drag them inside the frame if this is the case.

Press the play button

It will now present in preview mode with the phone Bezel

Download the Figma Mirror companion app for Apple and Android and test out your designs on a real device.