Pixel Perfect 2 - Top App Bar
We are going to create a “pixel perfect” Component using Google Material Design guidelines. Making components is one of the first things you do when creating a UI project, you either create the Component yourself or you import them into your project by using a copyright free Library/UI Kit.
We will be creating the Top App Bar Component which is part of the Material Design kit M3
The Material Design Guidelines will give you all the inforamtion you need to know for creating Components such as sizes and spacings
This is what we are aiming to create:
Create main container frame - Step 1
- Create a Frame with Frame Tool or press
on keyboard - Call the Frame Top-App-bar
- Set Height & Width 360x64
- Set Grid to 8pt
Connect to icon library - Step 2
We could bring in icons using a plug-in, but we will import a icons libary this gives us the option to swap out (change) any of the icons. This will only work in the teams (Education Teams) version of Figma.
Go to figma.com/community and search for Material Design Icons.
Click Add to Figma button - Once in figma it needs to be within the shared Team area rather than in your drafts folder and you need to have permissions to access where it is stored.
- From the panel on the left click on Assets
- Then click on the Library icon
You should see all the libraries you have access to
- Click Add file next to Material Design Icons
It should now display Added - You can now close the panel X
Make sure in the asset panel you have all library selected. You should now the Material Design icon Library.
Note: Imported libraries do not live inside your project they are only linked to it, so you can have a number of projects or a number of people can share one library when updates are made to the library they can then be pushed out to all the projects that used the components and assets.
The Leading Icon - Step 3
In the Layers panel select the top-app-bar Frame and create another Frame inside of this 48x48 and call it leading-icon
Give it a Stroke (border) of 0.1 this will be just work with we will turn it off later.
In the Assets panel search for Back This should display the back arrow in the Material Design icon library.
Click on Insert Instance to place it on the Frame
It should be inside the leading-icon Frame - we need to reposition it.
- Move it so it’s on top of the leading-icon Frame.
- It should noe be inside the leading-icon Frame
Note: You can also reposition it by dragging it in the Layers panel
Headline - Step 4
- Create a text box 152 x 28 by press
on keyboard or selecting the text Tool - Make the X 56 and Y 18 in the Frame Properties in the right panel
- Font: Roboto, Regular, 22pt, align left & centre middle vertacally
- Type in the word Title
- Name the Layer headline
Trailing Icons - Step 5
Create icon containers
We will now create 3 more icons for the Trailing Icon section of the bar.
- Create three frames at 48x48
- Align them up so they have no gaps
Re-name these 3 Frames (in the Layers panel) as follows from left to right:
trailing-icon 1 trailing-icon 2 trailing-icon 3
Add icons to the containers
We now will add a icon to each frame.
- Go to the Assets panel
- Search for Attach
Repeat with searching for Today & More.
Note: Make sure you unselect the icon you imported before you bring in another one otherwise it will just replace the selected icon.
The icons may be in the wrong position they need to be in each of the Trailing Icon frames
Drag drop them so they are inside each of the Frames, you can also do this by dragging them in the layers panel
You can get them to the centre in each of the container frames by moving them until you see the alignment guides in red
### Apply Auto Layout
We need to apply Auto Layout to each of the frames, this will mean the frames will collapse and we need to re-align them back to the original size and positions.
Select trailing-icon 1 in the properties panel on the right
- Click the
on Auto Layout - Centre
- Horizontal and Vertical padding set to 0
Repeat this with the remaining icons
Fixed broken layout
The layouts have now been broken, So we need to fix them.
Note we could have Auto Layout these Frames to start with bur we are looking at what Auto Layout does and how to fix any issues.
Shift click to select all three layers.
In the Frame Properties Panel on the right:
Reinstate the height and width to 48 Horizontal and Vertical resizing should both be set to Fixed
Select all 3 Trailing Icon Frames
Auto Layout them and align centre right
Rename layer trailing-icon
Delete Stokes from Icons
We set up Strokes (borders) on the icon containers to make them visable to help in alignment. We will now delete them - but you could just switch them off if you need them later.
- Shift click each of them
- From the Stroke Properties in the right panel click on the delete icon.
Repeat this with the Back Arrow icon
Create Component - Step 6
With the top-app-bar selected either Right-Mouse and select Create Component
…or clivk the Create Component icon on the Menu bar
Done. Make sure the Layers or ordered from Top to Bottom:
leading-icon Headline trailing-icon
Add Text Property on the Headline text box - Step 7
We need to set-up the Title on the Headline text to be editable through the text properties when an Instance is drag out in the UI layout.
Select the Headline text
In the Text Properties click on the Add Text icon
Name: Headline Value: Title
Responsiveness - Step 8
The Component needs to be responsive, but when we drag it in and out from the right side it is not responsive.
Note: As mentioned above we could have Auto Layout are frames to start with, but we will learn how to create Responsiveness to a static layout.
This is how it should work, we need to fix this
First of all the leading Icon on the left needs to have Auto Layout applied
Select the leading Icon Container
In the the properties panel on the right in the Auto Layout section click on the + icon
- In the frame properties set fixed for both vertical and horizontal
- In the auto layout section Centre
- The frame properties Hug (horizontal) and Fixed (vertical)
Now select the trailing Icon section make sure the auto layout is aligned middle right
- Now select the top-app-bar frame and apply Auto Layout
- Align left middle
- In the frame properties Fixed for both vertical and horizontal
Finally select the Headline title set it frame properties to Fill (horizontal) and Hug (vertical)