Digital Design Basics

A digital design must have an understanding of theories human computer interaction (HCI), user interface (UI) design guidelines, usability/accessibility, user experience (UX) and a knowledge of interaction design.

INTERACTION-DESIGN.ORG., 2022. What is Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)? [viewed 1 December 2022]. Available from: gclid=Cj0KCQiAvqGcBhCJARIsAFQ5ke6NOGi4HuVoRTtXNA9_sYMA5C6taaSfad_bd2Vy_xc_50VjwSr2wAEaAmVeEALw_wcB

Linkedin Learning

Designing Accessible components in Figma

Hands-On with Design Systems - Capture the magic behind design systems

‌Design Systems UI Guidelines